Ultim8 SKN Beauty Advice

Jul 15, 20192 min

What is The Carbon Laser Facial?

Updated: Jan 15, 2020

Skincare treatments that promote natural healthy skin is quickly becoming available and affordable. Want to know what Jennifer Aniston, Angelina Jolie and Queen B all have in common? before any red carpet event they have been known to have the Hollywood scrub or what we would call The Carbon Laser Facial.

What is it?

The Carbon Laser Peel treatment is a clinical step up from your at home charcoal mask. The advance skin treatment targets blocked pores and discolouration.

Who is this best for?

Our clients who suffer with pigmentation and acne, notice clearer skin after 3-5 sessions. This treatment helps skin that has suffered damaged in the past and has become dull. The treatment works to unblock, brighten and reveal a natural glow in less than 60 minutes.

How Does Carbon Laser Facials Work?

The carbon absorbed into the skin to penetrate areas that have pigmentation and discolouration. The laser energy is absorbed by the pigments which breaks off into smaller fragments that are naturally cleared away by the body and skin.

After Care

The treatment removes toxins from the face giving you a fresher hydrated glow. We provide you with SPF factor 40 before leaving the clinic to protect the skin from UVA rays.

We ask that you avoid scrubs, heavy powder foundations and sun beds for the first 24-48 hours to allow your new skin to settle in.

✨Removes dead, dull and lifeless skin cells

✨Brightens and Lightens dark circles and areas with pigmentation

✨Gently treats acne active and scaring

✨Refines pores & tightens

✨Anti-ageing for fine lines & wrinkles

✨Removes pigmentation and sun damage

✨Instant rejuvenation💦

If you suffer with dark circles, dull skin, acne and want to ditch the creams and go carbon, book in with Arlene today for your free Consultation.
